Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Power of No and Amen!

Have you ever heard the praise "yes and amen", or “can I hear an amen?”  Boy I have heard it many times throughout my years, especially during church services. It usually signifies and co-signing and agreement with has been said. There is often those "good- goobly- goop" feelings that go along with it, like you just know that the sun is shining brighter and that everything is going to be alright.

Well ponder this - have you ever said, or heard "no and amen?".  Sounds weird and contradictory huh? Work with me for a few moments.

When you really think about it - no is often times the best thing that you can hear.

No, I am not losing it. There is a hidden power in NO. 

Think about all the things that may have happened in your life, where the answer was NO.

That job you really wanted badly- that didn't call back.

That relationship that said NO - I don't want to be with you.

That house you thought you landed, but NO - the contract fell flat.

That potential client that said NO prior to the deal closing.

The beauty of these examples that may have seemed devastating at the time turned out to be blessings in disguise.

You see, we have a preconceived notion of what we want our blessings and victories to look like. We have created the box, and wrapped it to our design. But the problem with that is although it may be a beautiful and stunning package - GOD did not put the bow on it. All things that are good are not God. All things that seem good, if God allowed us to have, we would see that really what is inside the package is a bunch of rocks, instead of a beautiful and elegant gift.  Those rocks could of turned into many things - a job you thought you were designed for that you turned out hating, an abusive relationship, a business deal that caused your company financial ruin, a house that had a faulty foundation that caused you years of unexpected money and repairs.

God knows what He knows, even when we think we know. Trust in the fact that His no, is the best thing that could EVER happen to you. He will provide, connect, and bless you better than you EVER could imagine. AMEN to that!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Vision Repaired!

As I took out my vision plan a few weeks ago, to see what needed to be tweaked (what was working, what needed to be put on the shelf this season, what needed to be modified, what needed to be completely removed), I thought of all the things that I accomplished over this year. I also honed in on the things that "I" thought that I was going to do, but for some reason or another, they didn't get done.

"No worries" I told myself. As I begin to look at what was planned into the remainder of the year and what was to transpire the 1st quarter of 2014; God gently spoke to me and said - "this is YOUR list dear. It is a good one, but it is not a GREAT one, because it is not a GOD one."


You see - I just knew that God had a stamp of approval on some of the things I had listed. But He then gently reminded me that He was too much of a gentleman to stop me in my tracks, and that eventually I would realize that all the preparation that I did, all the praying, all the decreeing and declaring, did not amount to a hill of beans, because in fact - it was not in His plan at the moment, and to be honest with you, some things were not in His plan, AT ALL.

SO....after I cleared the lump out my  throat, I took off my Bridget Vision Glasses, and Put on my God Vision Glasses, and I will be honest with you, it took a bit of getting used to, trying to adjust and focus on what I was seeing. But now...OHHHH now...do I see ever so clearly.

I share all of this to say...

Are you OPEN to having your vision examined, and possibly repaired?

Often times, as in the natural, we are in denial about how well we can "see". For the most part we tell ourselves we don't need glasses, even though we are starting to squint to see that small font on paper, or move up closer ( or further away) to the TV to get that picture perfect view. We want everything to appear that it is going ok to everyone else, even though there are some hindrances that we choose to downplay. But...when you have that business, that relationship, that ministry, that weight loss goal, etc, that does not prosper, then you my friend, my want to have your vision checked.

God is the ultimate Optometrist and Ophthalmologist. He has and supplies everything you need to get your vision in proper working order.  He will not have you seeing double, He will not have you going blind. It will be just perfect. Perfect for you to complete that mission, that assignment, that goal that He has placed on your heart to do. He will do it. Oh yes He will!!

 On a 20/20 Vision Mission,


Sunday, October 20, 2013


Hello Champions!
It has been awhile since I have posted. Can you believe that it has been 3 months? God has allowed transition in my life, for the good.
While in this wonderful transition…It has been a time of reflection, recalibrating, and REFRESHING.
Sometimes in the grind of things, God will whisper and say it is time to REFRESH.
Refreshing sets the tone to recalibrate and refuel the track that you are on. Often times after a
Refreshing, you have more clarity, more focus, and ready to take on the world!
I am ready to serve you in a even greater way, an even larger capacity. It is my pleasure to be here for you, to encourage you, to push you into ALL that God has for your life.
Watch for new and exciting updates for Fruition Mission!
As always, it is a pleasure to serve you. J
Bridget Washington