There is a high price to pay when you utilize the word can’t. Can’t will hinder the abilities that God has given to you and also stops the potential blessings that God wants to bestow upon you. What you believe and what you speak can have a direct effect on your purpose and destiny. Can’t does not add to your life, it takes away. Can’t will paralyze you and stop you in your tracks from doing the impossible. Uncertainty and doubt also are a form of can’t, because they stop you in your tracks as well. I encourage you to take everything in your life that you have placed a can’t blocker on…to change it to can!!! You are more than are more than able, you are equipped, you have the ability to do all!!! God says so!!! There is Godly power in you that supersedes any and every doubt and hindrance that may have latched on to you!!
Father, forgive me for my lack of faith and for believing less of myself than you have of me. I now remove all fear, doubt and can’t from my life. I know that you give me the power, ability, and strength to accomplish all things, and from this point forward, I will walk in the assurance and the boldness to go forth. In Jesus Name, Amen!!!
Philippians 4:13- I can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens me.