Sunday, April 10, 2011
Finding You!
Once upon a time, there was a person who existed—YOU. You were on top of your game, did all the right things, said all the right things, looked and played the part. But slowly day by day, life situations and circumstances began to chisel away for your very being. Your life essentially began to dismantle. You may have loss a job. You may have encountered turmoil, or the loss of a relationnship. People in your life may have told you that you aren’t about anything, that the ideas that you have about life goals are worthless, that you can’t do a thing. You allowed all these things to break through the strong barrier of amour that you used to wear. The fight you used to have, no longer exists, as you began to wave a white surrender flag, feeling as though you want to give up. You wake up one morning and think just long enough of how things used to be, and ask yourself--What has REALLY happened to me?
Understand this—you can get your life back on track and become BETTER than you used to be. The faith, perseverance, drive in you IS NOT DEAD—it is merely lying dormant, waiting anxiously for you to stir it up.
Now, how do you get the pot boiling back in your life, so that you may conquer all that God has for you?
1) Declare Enough Is Enough! No matter how low you are, no matter of confusing things may be, no matter how much chaos is staring you in the face—determine that TODAY is the last day that things are like this!!
2) Ask God to reveal to you the root of how things have gotten the way they were. Perhaps it could simply be the STRENGTH of your relationship with God. You used to be on fire, but now you have become extremely lukewarm, or better yet, cold as ice. As a result, every area of your life has suffered. Or perhaps it is outside influences (people in your circle), that you have allowed to move you away for your course. Whatever the case, once revealed, remove it, and continually take action to renew your mind and will away from those actions or thoughts.
3) Take note of where you are, and what needs to be improved. Acknowledge the areas in your life where you may have fallen off “wagon”. Write them down, so you may have a clear understanding of what needs to be rearranged, or changed.
4) Create a plan of action to get you back to you. Now would be a great time to pick up and revisit those dreams and goals you had and still see if they still fit in where God is taking you or need to be tweaked.
5) Going forward-stop listening to all the negative things people may say to you. Yes, you may have had problems, some of the things may have been accurate, but the thing is to not take them in and let them grow in you!!! You have made a decision to CHANGE. Also, understand what is constructive criticism or things that are just plain mean and are trying to throw you off your course.
Remember, all is not lost. You are WHO God says you Are!!! Begin to walk in it NOW.
“God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start. Now I'm alert to God's ways; I don't take God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.”
~Psalm 18:20-23 (The Message Bible)
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