You have landed a job interview, which you have proclaimed is the perfect
position for you. The day of the interview comes, you are dressed in your
corporate blue, and you answer the questions with great articulation, keep
direct eye contact, and seemingly wow the interviewer. After all, you
prayed and fasted three days prior, proclaiming that “this is your job”…in
JESUS NAME! After the interview is over, you sail out of the building on
cloud nine, with a sense of knowing that they will call you in the three
days that they stated to extend to you an offer. You are at day five, and
still no call. All types of things flood your mind, and you began to second
guess yourself and say, on how you did, that you stumbled on a few words,
that you answered questions in a round about manner, that they really
didn’t like you. You began to question your ability to even perform the
job, and that they have interviewed more suitable candidates. Eventually as
day seven comes, you have resolved in your spirit that you are defeated,
and you begin to worry and say “What if I don’t get it? I am going to be
stuck at my current job, which I really don’t like. I am never going to get
out of this place! The next day, the employer calls. Guess What? You didn’t
get it!!!!
What am I saying you ask? I know, you could say that the end result was
spoken into existence. But perhaps, just perhaps…this was God’s Will all
along, and you believed that God wanted you to have it because it was what
YOU wanted!!! I am sure it was something that was good….but that does not
necessarily mean it was a GOD thing!!!
We have to realize…all good things that we ask for aren’t necessarily what
God wants or has for us. You may not want to accept it, may never
understand it, but God knows the end from the beginning. He says in His
word that he will not hold no good thing from you. BUT understand this…when
you asking and praying for things amiss, God will not answer those things
in your favor that are not according to His Will.
That job you didn’t get, that business that failed, that house or car you
desired, that mate you wanted to marry…are not necessarily bad things to
desire, but ask yourself….are they God things for you at this time in your
life? Sometimes we put a crutch on how God is putting the puzzle pieces of
our lives together by trying to “solve” our paths too quickly. Realize that
God has got your back, that He only wants the best for you, and doesn’t
want you to settle for less than He has intended for you. Think about it.
If God were to give you or allow everything that you prayed for in your
life…what a mess we would get ourselves into? That “great” job you
interviewed for…he allowed you to get…it was the worse move you have ever
made. You hate the manager. You work twice as hard as you did at your
previous job. The corporate structure is on the verge of bankruptcy. You
marry that person you had been praying for. One year later, you are headed
to divorce court, because of adultery and abuse. That house you
purchased…is going in foreclosure and on the auction block two years after
moving into it You get where I am headed with this? Don’t ever think that a
No from God is to harm you…it is for your good. You will thank Him for
intervening on your behalf!! Roman 8:28, “All things work together for the
good of those who Love the Lord and are Called According to His purpose”.
See? The Bible says ALL things…not one thing, not some things…but
ALL..meaning the exclusion of NONE.
Resolve in your spirit from this day forward, that no matter what decisions and outcomes come your way, that you will trust God and stand on His word and his promises…your best days will benefit from it!