Monday, December 10, 2012

Are Your Dreams Growing?

If you’re tired of waiting for your God-given dreams to sprout, don’t be discouraged.  Having a little growth isn’t a problem, but having no growth is!   While dreams are unique in their timing, how you care for them and guard them plays a crucial role in how soon your dreams will come into full bloom.  Here are some things to keep in mind regarding the dreams you have for your life.

Tailor made dreams transpire as a result of your gifts, passion and life experience.  Your friend can’t tell you, your spouse can’t tell you and not even your parents can tell you how to make your dreams grow and come into maturity.  That’s because your dream is unique to you, but the good news is that God wants you to discover how your dreams can unfold and become a reality.

Sometimes a Plan B can transform into the perfect Plan A.  If you feel like you’re living a Plan B right now, don’t fret!  Sometimes a Plan B can become the catalyst to your Plan A.  What was originally viewed as a failure can be the very tool that provides the backbone you need to refocus and adjust your current plan.  Failure is not permanent and growth is a process, but failing to grow and continue moving forward will lead to stagnant unfruitful life.

Your dreams can be custom fit to your lifestyle.  Contrary to what you or someone else may think, you don’t need a lot of money or a total life makeover to make your dreams a reality.  The best way to quick start your dreams is to work with what you have right now. Don’t worry about the “right time”. It’s all about strategy and being able to leverage what you have now to work with. Focus and discipline yourself to push past the little, subtle trips I the road that distract you and throw you off course from your goal.

Be faithful in finishing the recipe of your dreams.  Being fruitful and growing is the result of intentional actions on a regular basis.  Surround your life with the right people, who love you and will hold you accountable and speak truth into your life.  If you have to, commit to taking small steps and boldly press into your fears, because your breakthrough awaits you on the other side!

Command a YES in your Spirit to your God-inspired dreams, and you will surely transform into God’s best version of you while making a powerful impact!

 Reflect:  How do you plan to act upon and grow your God-inspired dreams?  What fears and limitations do you need to eradicate to get you to where you need to be?  How will you use your gifts, passion and life experience to make your dreams an explosive reality?