Often times you have heard or may have used the phrase, “Think outside the Box”.
My question today is…What Box?
Who says that it has to be a box when it comes to God! The Almighty, All Powerful, All knowing, All Mighty King of Kings, Lord of Lords, wants you to break the bondage and limitations in your life! Stop thinking with limits—With God, there are NO limits!! Stop thinking small minded. Small minds= Small thoughts=Small results!! God has more than equipped us to break all barriers, break every pre-conceived notion, and break all mindsets that would stop you from doing the unimaginable, the unheard, and the unthinkable!!!
We create a box in our minds, saying that we can’t accomplish this, we can’t finish that, we are not qualified to begin this, with so many excuses attached to as why. Says who??? YOU! You are stopping YOU from going forward and moving into your destiny and purpose!! Stop looking at what things look like in the natural, how you think things will be in the future! Don’t set yourself up for failure before you even try!
I challenge you to take every box that you have created in your mind and destroy it!!
You are no longer bound! Walk in your God’s given ability, walk in your freedom to do and be what He has called you to!!
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1