Uniqueness is
defined as being the only one of its kind. Each of us has a particular and
individual combination of skills, talents, interests, history, life
experiences, and responses to our life experiences that makes us uniquely,
well, us! Even identical twins, who share DNA and most life experiences, tend
to have a unique makeup of skills and talents, which makes them unique as well.
Understand this: God created you to be UNIQUE, in HIS image.
You were born for a specific purpose, focused destiny,
and no one, I mean NO ONE can get the job done but you. So how do you embrace your uniqueness? Here
are some tips:
1) Knock the bad devil off of your shoulder! Stop listening
to those negative things that you continually tell yourself. Those things are
only meant to hinder and you and move you to procrastinate. Turn it around—speak
life, speak positivity. Self declare that you are great!
2) Don’t comparison shop who you are to someone else! Stop
wishing that you could have (buy) the life that you see someone else living.
God has given you more than enough gifting and talents to go out and make
things happen. Take the necessary steps to figure out exactly what you want out
of life, and make a master plan of action to get it.
3) Following the crowd can leave a cloud! Just because it is
the popular thing to do or fad to follow, doesn’t mean it is for you to do! Be
your own trendsetter and change agent. Set the path, don’t trail the path!
4) Pay attention to your assets, not your liabilities! Look
at the things that you can do, not what you can’t do. Focus on your potential,
not your limitations. Perfect and excel!
5) Give your naysayers a linebacker block! Ear hustlers
bring nothing but trouble to your ability and your mental capacity if you let
them. Don’t listen to what others say about your ability or your ideas. It is
not for them to accomplish- only you!
6) Toot your own horn! So what if no one praises you, or
gives you accolades for the things that you do – shower yourself with them! You
desire a standing ovation from YOU! You are not a quitter, you are focused, you
are determined, and you are a success!!! Believe in it!
Life is made for you to fulfill a purpose and to enjoy being
you while doing it. Love your life, love who you are, and love where you are
going! Declare today “Happy YOU Day” – you deserve it!