Saturday, August 15, 2009

Life Cleaning!

Are there things in your life that you need to throw out? What type of trash do you have still sitting around—negative thoughts, bitterness, hurt, jealousy, in your mind, in your body, in your spirit? What circumstances are creating a hindrance in your life? Who do you still have attached to your life that needs to be cut off? It doesn't have to be spring to do your spring cleaning---start today!!!

Evaluate and pray about what you need to throw out:

1)Relationships. What relationships are you holding onto, or what relationships are hindering you? Not everyone in your life should be walking with you, or be in your circle of influence. You need people who are at the very least, going where you are going, or have already arrived to where you are trying to go! Some relationships are only seasonal—has it run its course? Don’t try to hold onto relationships that should be over (or never should of began)—allow those to be let go, or initiate the let go, so that God may bring those in your life who will be an asset to your destiny!

2)“You” Dreams/Visions—not all dreams or visions that you have are of God. Sure they may sound nice, and probably would be an asset to the kingdom…but is it what God is calling for YOU to do? Pray and ask God to line up your will with His will.

3)Emotional dysfunctions---negative thoughts, bitterness, jealousy, worry, doubt, anger, dishonesty, and bad attitudes have no place in your God given destiny, and your walk. These things will be a great hindrance and a blocker to what God is trying to do in your life! Release all the emotional negativity that you have and replace it with the Fruits of the Spirit—happiness, peace, joy, meekness. Think positive thoughts! Proclaim those things and situations in your life to be turned around! Start walking in total victory now!

4)Tangible mess/clutter---Get order in your home, office, even your car! God expects us to be good stewards over everything that we have, no matter how small. If we aren’t taking care of these things, how can we expect Him to bless us with greater things? Throw away that old/unwanted mail or papers. Give away those clothes that you know you aren’t going to wear anymore. Maintain a clean house, office, car. If Jesus were your special guest, what sign would your house/office/car give off?

5)Maintain your house temple---how are you taking care of yourself? If your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and you belong to Him…what type of message are you sending out concerning your health? Get rid of the bad habits, and begin and maintain a healthy lifestyle of eating right, exercising, and getting the proper sleep.

Get your life in order to become the BEST that God has called you to be!!!!

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