Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vision Flatlined!

I had the pleasure of speaking with a dear friend of mines the other day, with an amazing story and vision. Not to go into the details of exactly what her vision is, I will share a summary of sorts of our conversation.

Approximately 8 years ago, she stepped out on uttermost faith, left corporate America to pursue this vision. I would say for the first 1-3 years, she barely broke even on profit. But, suddenly all things appeared to fall in sync, and she catapulted into success that she barely could handle!! As the money began to flow, she finally felt at home, as if she had arrived. Fast forward, to now. The fire is gone, the vision is all but a memory, and a trickle of money is being made. This brings me to the conversation at hand. As she reflected on the mountain highs and the valley lows on the past several years, she concluded, “I feel like I am working on fumes and it is never getting any better. Once my vision was extremely lively, vibrant, but now….it is running on life support, on the verge of flat lining. How did I allow this to happen?”

It got me to thinking. What makes things like this happen? Of course, for example, when starting a for profit business, sometimes that economy and the changes in supply and demand can somewhat dictate success. But, in her case, what if the changes are not economically driven? What if what you are involved in has nothing to do with any outside influences or circumstances? What if, it is just you?

A vision is a powerful thing. It is even more powerful once it is manifested. Often times, it doesn’t manifest, or if it does, it doesn’t live out its maximum potential. When God infused you with the vision, it was on fire!! All you could see was the end result. Now, all have that is pushing you is barely a smoldering ember. How do you get the life back into your vision?

*Revisit your original vision. Are all parts still in line with where it needs to go? Sometimes a little tweaking of the plans will bring an immeasurable amount of life to a stale dream.

*Don’t let outside influences or people deter you from fulfillment. There will always be something or someone to roadblock you from you divine assignment. Take the necessary changes in your life, to eliminate those things and people who are not cheerleading (encouraging) or not volunteering in your success.

*Keep your eyes focused on the end. No matter how things may look, how slow the pieces come together, realize that patience is to be utilized in the process. Don’t push it before it is time, don’t get discouraged by what you think should be your timeline. God has it all under control. Follow Him in the process, and He will reveal to you HIS timeline.

*Believe it! Sometimes a mind shift is all it takes to breathe life back into your vision! Pray, and speak life into those stagnant places!!

As you begin to implement these steps, you will begin to see life changing results! Nothing will be impossible for you to complete going forward! Favor is on your side!!!

For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. Habakkuk 2:3 (AMP)