Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stop The Distractions!

Distractions are the key hindrance to your destiny movement! Just as your goal seeds are placed in the ground, weeds of distraction sprout up, ready to alter and even destroy your destiny. But that often happens if you allow it. Distractions are always a magnet to deter you when you are focused. There will always be something (or someone) that will come along your way to drive you off the road, maybe even crash! One key thing I have discovered is that you have to be a defensive driver and protect your journey at all costs! Below are simple ways to stop the crash from happening:

*Deliberately make yourself unavailable. Often times that requires discipline, but it can be done.

*Set aside dedicated time to spend time with God, and also to work on your goals.

*Evaluate the relationships in your life. Do they add to your life, or drain you? People in your circle of influence should be ones that you can know and grow from. If you are constantly feeding them, then you can’t possibly grow!

*Revisit your destiny plan. Has anything changed with it? Does it seem more of a pain then a passion? Has procrastination reared its ugly head? If so, then chances are, it was never your destiny in the first place, or you need to tweak it.


Consider how you can bypass the distractions in your life before they impede the progress of your purpose!

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