Sunday, October 28, 2012

Live By Design!

Think and ask yourself: “What is it that I really want? Can I do the "impossible" thing that I have been called to do? Do I want success? Can I EVER overcome? Do I want to be released from these bondages of self imposed lack and limitation?”

Whether you realize it or not, your life will be designed either by default, or by divine design. A divine design is one that you consciously followed by God’s direction. Anything less than that, you will be shortchanging the best life that God has intended for you to have!

I have tried many things in my life that albeit were generally good things to do, they were not what I should have been doing. The funny thing about it is they all started the same way: Idea-Run-Stuck-Fall. Get the idea. Run excitedly to execute it. Get stuck and frustrated. Eventually fall. After a few frustrating patterns of that, I finally settled in my Spirit of what I was truly designed to do. It was like something in my said, “Sit down somewhere, and listen to your heart and spirit for a change! Don’t second guess it. Don’t second guess it when people tell you can’t, why you can’t or try to criticize you. Don't worry about those things, because when God speaks it, that settles it!"

I admonish you to run back to  that place that keeps nudging you, and keeps whispering to you. Stop trying to block it out, you hear it now, ever so clear, shouting, "I have been in you too long, when will you reveal me to the world?" Once you get in alignment of divine design, and stop fighting it and yourself, your vision will INSTANTLY become clearer. Everything that you so desperately tried to change and execute before and hit a brick wall will be replaced with those actions that will be performed with ease. The conditions of your life will begin to fall into place, and your life will begin to change without struggle and fail.

Choose today to live by divine design. Ultimate life success is only one design away!

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