Saturday, November 3, 2012

Stick to It Your Goals - No Matter What!

Reaching a goal is easy to say, and but in reality it can be harder to do. That’s even more the reason why staying motivated during the times that you just don’t feel like it, or when you don’t even want to try is extremely important. There are many signs as to why you might not feel you’ve stepped up to bat with your full potential. Ultimately – it is you.

If you think you can go through the motions, and you’ll be successful, then think again. It won’t work. So what can you do?

Is it a confidence Issue? Start by looking your self confidence issue square in the face and then change it! No one else can, and to be honest no one else cares as much as you should. Dig deep to the root as to why you feel or act the way you do, and write them down. Also, make a list of the areas you would like to improve or change totally about yourself. Be honest with yourself! Tap into God and ask Him to reveal to you the “hidden” things, and make a point to face those revealed things head on. You only have one life to live, so live it to your fullest, and to the best of your capabilities. Don’t be too hard on yourself, as change will take time, but begin TODAY to transform your future.

 Know that you can use to stay motivated, and to achieve whatever goals that you’ve set out for yourself in your life.

Plan to stay motivated! Write it down. Look at the different ways that keep you motivated and write those down too. There are endless possibilities for motivation that you can use, and there will be new ones that you might discover along the way. Take some time to read some books from inspirational power leaders such as Tony Robbins, or use spirituality to inspire you and give you hope.

Make it a habit!  Every morning, or even the night before, make it a habit to create short term lists for goals that you want to achieve that day or the next. By focusing on a few short term goals your long term ones will become closer and well defined. Take your long term goals and shorten them into easier to accomplish steps.

Confess! Declare all of the positive things that will happen in your life by achieving your goals. Walk around the house and stick up post it notes indicating what you expect to happen. Taking a look at the goals you will accomplish will inspire you to reach for the goal and not to give up.

Use time wisely by taking care of your temple. Stay in close communion with God. Pray, study the Word (and apply it), and be attentive of what God speaks to you. Physically, regular exercise and a healthy diet in conjunction with a steady sleep routine will keep you alert and focused on the goals ahead.

Give yourself praise when you reach a milestone toward your goal. Do this by taking some time for you, in other words take the time to smell the roses. Whatever things you like to do, but haven’t done them in a while, do!  Buy a new outfit, go to the movies, go to the spa! Do whatever it takes to make you feel good about what reaching out for your goal.

As you go along with your plans always recognize that when the bad days try to pursue you, there will ALWAYS be a better tomorrow. By reaching for the stars and succeeding you’ll find things out about yourself that you never knew. The most important thing to remember is that you should never quit, even when things don’t seem like they are going well.

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